4-H Club Agenda
4-HHare Raisers Rabbit Club
- Election of Officers:
- President - Ashley Saunders
- Vice President - Lucas Eperthener
- Secretary - Adam Watson
- Treasurer - Erin Eperthener
- Club Reporter - Alex Barnes
- Refreshment Coordinator - Andrew Toskin
- 2004 Club Rules:
- All members must follow the
4-H Code of Conduct and the Code of Participation at all times.
- Member must attend atleast 6 meetings to remain in good standings in the Hare Raisers Rabbit Club.
- Members must present 2 presentations to remain in good standings in the Hare Raisers Rabbit Club.
- The Hare Raisers Rabbit Club 2004 schedule begins March and ends August following Round-Up.
- Only 4-H members may participate in 4-H activities.
- 2004 Club Round-Up Rules:
- From start to finish all Members must follow all Club Rules and 4-H Guidlines in order to participate in Round-Up.
- Members must turn in a list of their Rabbit Projects by May 1, 2004 in order to enter them in Round-Up as a member of the Hare Raisers Rabbit Club. Only Rabbits shown at Round-Up are eligible to be shown at the 4-H Regional Rabbit Show.
- All Members showing Rabbits must attend the Rabbit Show.
- All members must participate in Showmanship.
- A.R.B.A. Standards will be followed.
- New Club Goals:
- Enroll new Members.
- Have Rabbit Educational Material presented at each meeting.
- Each Member will participate on Project Committees.
- Each Member participating in Round-Up will assist in the complete Setting Up and Tearing Down of the Rabbit Exhibit.
- Fundraisers:
- The Club has the need for Funds this year.
- New LiveStock Sale Rules:
- This year you will still be able to sell 2 lots, however they MUST be of different Species. This will effect our Club. You may sell either a Meat Pen of Rabbits OR a Single Fryer NOT BOTH as in previous years.
- Reminders:
- Rabbit Project Lists turned in by May 1, 2004.
- All Members must return their Enrollment forms to the 4-H Extension Office Prior to May 1, 2004
- All members participating in a Livestock Project must attend a 2 credit Quality Assurance Program (NO EXCEPTIONS)
- Livestock Entries MUST be in the Extention Office prior to 4:30 pm. July 15, 2004. ( NO EXCEPTION )
- Regional Small Animal Show